Wednesday, February 27, 2008

What's Real, What's Ideal: Overcoming a Negative Body Image / Author: Brangein Davis /Young Adult Non-fiction

Negative Body Image is just one of the issues going on with some of our teens today. (Especially with young adult girls.) Girls are more pressured to look good. Young adult girls compare their bodies to their peers and movie stars. Our culture is obsessed with weight, body shape, dieting, food, and exercise. When teens put so much emphasis on these things they may by suffering from Negative Body Image. Obsessive Negative Body Image can lead to dangerous eating disorders. "Anorexia Nervosa" is a eating disorder which literally means to starve yourself. "Bulimia Nervosa" is another eating disorder that leads to binging and purging. Binging is eating large amounts of food until you are sick on the stomach. Purging is getting rid of that food by vomiting and in some cases abusing laxatives. The triggers/causes of Negative Body Images can be puberty, the beauty industry, families and food, peer pressure, low self-esteem, and sexual abuse. Of course there is no one single cause that creates Negative Body Image.

The road to a Positive Body Image comes from a change in attitude, not body. Change also comes by educating oneself; reading books, talking to parents, school counselor, pastor, a trusted adult, or friend. If the problem is more serious, seeking help from a professional health care provider, therapy, and attending support groups will help to bring about a change.

Perhaps if we talked, praised, encouraged, and listened to our youngs adults more, there would be less feelings of Negative Body Image. I am a great believer in encouraging our teens. I love to see their faces light up when I tell them something positive; good job! I knew you could do it! I'm so proud of you!

A very imformative book for young adults (especially girls) to read and learn that it's ok to except themselves just as they are.


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